2016.3.5 Question 5

  1. By the binomial theorem, we have

    (1 + x)2m+1 = k=02m+1(2m + 1 k) xk.

    If we let x = 1, we have

    22m+1 = k=02m+1(2m + 1 k) .

    Since (2m+1 m) is a part of the sum, and all the other terms are positive, and there are other terms which are not (2m+1 m) (e.g. (2m+1 0) = 1), we therefore must have

    ( 2m + 1 m) < 22m+1.
  2. Notice that

    (2m + 1 m) = (2m + 1)! m!(m + 1)! = (2m + 1)(2m)(2m 1)(m + 2) m!

    A number theory argument follows. First, notice that all terms in the product Pm+1,2m+1 are within the numerator. Therefore, we must have

    Pm+1,2m+1(2m + 1)(2m)(2m 1)(m + 2).

    Next, since all the terms in the product are primes, none of the terms will therefore have factors between 1 and m. This means that

    gcd (Pm+1,2m+1,m!) = 1,

    i.e. Pm+1,2m+1 are coprime.

    Therefore, given that (2m+1 m) = (2m+1)(2m)(2m1)(m+2) m! is an integer, we must therefore have

    Pm+1,2m+1(2m + 1 m) ,

    and hence

    Pm+1,2m+1 ( 2m + 1 m) < 22m,

    as desired.

  3. Notice that

    P1,2m+1 = P1,m+1 Pm+1,2m+1 < 4m+1 22m = 4m+1 4m = 42m+1,

    as desired.

  4. First we look at the base case when n = 2.

    P1,2 = 2, 42 = 16, the original statement holds when n = 2.

    Now, we use strong induction. Suppose the statement holds up to some n = k 2.

    If k = 2m is even, the induction step for 2m 2m + 1 is already shown in the previous part.

    If k = 2m + 1 is odd, we must have that k + 1 is even. The only even prime is 2, but since k 2, k + 12, and k + 1 must be composite.

    Therefore, P1,k+1 = P1,k < 4k < 4k+1. This completes the induction step.

    Therefore, by strong induction, the statement P1,n < 4n holds for all n 2.