2016.3.3 Question 3

  1. We have that

    d dx exP(x) Q(x) = Q(x) [exP(x) + exP(x)] Q(x)exP(x) Q(x)2 = ex [Q(x)P(x) + Q(x)P(x) Q(x)P(x)] Q(x)2 = ex x3 2 (x + 1)2.

    Therefore, we have

    [Q(x)P(x) + Q(x)P(x) Q(x)P(x)] Q(x)2 = x3 2 (x + 1)2 (x + 1)2 [Q(x)P(x) + Q(x)P(x) Q(x)P(x)] = Q(x)2 (x3 2).

    If we plug in x = 1 on both sides, we have LHS = 0 and RHS = Q(1)2 (3).

    Therefore, Q(1)2 = 0, Q(1) = 0.

    Since Q(x) [x], we must have

    (x + 1)Q(x)

    as desired.

    Therefore, deg Q 1, deg RHS = 3 + 2deg Q.

    If deg P = , P(x) = 0,LHS = 0 which is impossible.

    If deg P = 0, P(x) = C {0}, LHS = C(x + 1)2Q(x), deg LHS = deg q + 2, which is impossible.

    Therefore, we have deg P = deg P 1. Hence,

    deg Q(x)P(x) = deg P(x)Q(x) = deg P + deg Q 1,


    deg Q(x)P(x) = deg P + deg Q.


    deg LHS = 2 + deg P + deg Q = deg RHS,

    which gives

    deg P = deg Q + 1,

    as desired.

    When Q(x) = x + 1, let P(x) = ax2 + bx + c where a0. We have P(x) = 2ax + b. Therefore,

    (x + 1)2 [Q(x)P(x) + Q(x)P(x) Q(x)P(x)] = Q(x)2 (x3 2) Q(x)P(x) + Q(x)P(x) Q(x)P(x) = x3 2 (x + 1)(2ax + b) + (x + 1)(ax2 + bx + c) (ax2 + bx + c) = x3 2 (x + 1)(2ax + b) + x(ax2 + bx + c) = x3 2 ax3 + (2a + b)x2 + (2a + b + c)x + b = x3 2.

    This solves to (a,b,c) = (1,2,0). Therefore, P(x) = x2 2x.

  2. In this case, we must have that

    (x + 1) [Q(x)P(x) + Q(x)P(x) Q(x)P(x)] = Q(x)2.

    Therefore, Q(x) = (x + 1)R(x) for some R(x) [x]. We may assume P(1)0.

    Hence, Q(x) = (x + 1)R(x) + R(x)

    Plugging this in gives us

    (x + 1)R(x)P(x) + (x + 1)R(x)P(x) [(x + 1)R(x) + R(x)]P(x) = (x + 1)R(x)2,

    which simplifies to

    (x + 1) [R(x)P(x) + R(x)P(x) R(x)P(x)] R(x)P(x) = (x + 1)R(x)2.

    Let x = 1, and we can see x + 1 divides R(x), since x + 1 can’t divide P(x).

    Therefore, let R(x) = (x + 1)S(x), therefore R(x) = S(x) + (x + 1)S(x).

    This gives

    (x + 1)S(x) [P(x) + P(x)] [S(x) + (x + 1)S(x)]P(x) S(x)P(x) = (x + 1)2S(x)2,

    which simplifies to

    (x + 1) [S(x)P(x) + S(x)P(x) S(x)P(x)] 2S(x)P(x) = (x + 1)2S(x)2.

    Therefore, we can see that x + 1 divides S(x) by similar reasons.

    Repeating this, we can conclude that there are arbitrarily many factors of x + 1 in Q(x) (proof by infinite descent), which is impossible.

    Formally speaking, let Q(x) = (x + 1)nT(x) where T(1)0, n . Therefore, we have

    Q(x) = n(x + 1)n1T(x) + (x + 1)nT(x) = (x + 1)n1 [nT(x) + (x + 1)T(x)].


    (x + 1) [Q(x)P(x) + Q(x)P(x) Q(x)P(x)] = Q(x)2

    simplifies to

    (x + 1)n+1T(x) [P(x) + P(x)] (x + 1)n [nT(x) + (x + 1)T(x)]P(x) = (x + 1)2nT(x)2,

    which further simplifies to

    (x + 1) [T(x)P(x) + T(x)P(x) T(x)P(x)] nT(x)P(x) = (x + 1)nT(x)2.

    Now, let x = 1, we have that nT(1)P(1) = 0. But n0, T(1)0, P(1)0, which gives a contradiction.

    Therefore, such P and Q do not exist.